
Air Deep Devotional Publishing or “AirDDP” is a publishing company that distributes electronic, physical or printed materials such as E-Books, Online Newsletters, Devotional Articles, Deep and Revelatory Teachings, Hard-copy and Paperback Manuals for the training of Youth, Leaders, Ministers, Church Workers and Pastors.

Our online newsletters and devotional articles are the cornerstone of our brand, and is called ā€œAirDeep Devotionalā€. This is made up of inspired words written in the spur of the moment when the hand of God comes upon the writer; often short, intricate, deep and poignant in nature. We deliver these “Air Deep” or heavenly writings which trigger deep reflection, meditation and worship in readers, straight into the mailboxes of newsletter subscribers; and everyone has free and open access on the Website.

Our printed materials are often patronized by students, leaders, gifted persons, ministers, church organizations, youth groups and head pastors who use them to train and revive their churches. AirDDP publishes, sells and manages literary works such as original songs, musical scores, novels, cartoons, poems, stories, and plays; as well as non-literary works like textbooks, articles, prophetic revelations and instructional materials.

My heart is on fire, boiling over with passion.
Bubbling up within me are these beautiful lyrics as a lovely poem to be sung for the King.
Like a river bursting its banks, Iā€™m overflowing with words, spilling out into this sacred story.

Paul E. Joshua